Circle for Landlords

Circle is helping you build healthier building ecosystems.

Promoting tenant health and wellness

A girl is holding a phone and a yoga mat. A mobile mockup of the Circle home screen is at the forefront of the picture.

Prioritizing the health and well-being of tenants and residents

Circle enables landlords to enhance the tenant health and wellness experience, driving engagement and driving a happier workforce.

Community connection

Community- centric experiences that support employee wellbeing through customized integrated health and wellness networks using existing and new tenants.

Promoting health and wellness of occupants

Delivering on health and well-being strategies to inform real estate design.

Positive, thriving communities

Optimizing the human and social capital performance for landlords and their tenants.

Collaboration and advocacy

Driving impact on health and well-being, improving accountability and encouraging investments for health.

With the ever-changing landscape of the hybrid work model, we understand the significant impacts to tenant utilization. As we look to encourage occupants to return to office, Circle is here to help provide meaningful incentives to help promote tenant health and wellness.